
Showing posts with the label Passion Profession Career

Building a career

It's not about completing a Degree course. It's just about building a profile. Profile doesn't mean a paper containing what we are and what we can do. But it is all about what we love to do and want to do. Basically it can start from any age we want, even from schooling. But most of us realize this fact either on final stage of graduation or after ending up in something we really don't wanted to do. It's mostly because of lack of passion. The passion arise or could identify only if we start exploring the reality. Exploring the reality mean to accept  what we have and what can we do next. Can a person have more than one passion? And the answer is: Yes ,he can and he should, Which is called amateur . Not all passion will workout as he expected.It doesn't mean it will not,it will when the right time comes. Hence he can work on the other passions to keep up the motivation to do work. Keeping the energy to work by self motivating is the good behavior of a good prof