Cloud vs. Own IT: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business
Cloud vs. Own IT: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business On my journey of meeting professionals, executives, and entrepreneurs, I have seen many struggle with an important decision: Should they use cloud services or set up their own IT infrastructure? The internet is full of different opinions, and as technology evolves rapidly, making the right choice is becoming even harder. Every business has a vision and mission that drive its growth. Some businesses follow industry best practices, while others create their own unique ways of working. Both approaches can succeed, but when it comes to IT infrastructure, the right solution can vary depending on the business model. What is Cloud IT? Cloud IT means renting computing power, storage, and other digital services from a provider like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. Instead of buying physical equipment, businesses pay a monthly or yearly fee to use what they need. Cloud services can include: Comput...