
How bored are the students in the online classes now?

    The students really miss their class. It's not because they can't see their teachers live😅 but miss their friends with whom they tried to make fun in the classes😄. But soon after Covid19 Pandemic, the students are forced to attend online classes😔 to compensate their schooling hours. They are either feeling screwed up😖 if their parents are strict enough to make them attend the online classes or else they will still be in the summer vacation😜. If I'm the school student , I may be died of getting bored in online classes since my parents are strong enough to force me👀.     But the actual reality is the students should understand the things they can do using Internet other than watching Entertainments in YouTube ,Netflix ,Prime,Games etc. What ever their passions are, they are able to get trained virtually  through the internet✌. Usually the graduates and Job seekers are the ones that are interested in building Profiles and Resumes . Why can't a school student get

Why school students chasing for appreciation so much?

    Everyone is born innocent in this world. Things which makes them innocent is what they don't know and hence they try to know them. Make a child try something new, they have to understand that this will enhance their personal value in some means. Appreciation is a skill accrue by acceptance of others value, especially the people who are considered to be under our level of achievements.     Every school student may have a dream of receiving  applause from somewhere in life. But most of the cases they are not receiving it at the right time to survive in there way of action to achieve their goals. The academic system is schools are mostly focused on the academic excellence or other popular talent excellence(like sports & arts). But their are a lot of students who doesn't have an excellence in any of this , but have other talents and hence will be avoided by parents,friends and  society. Especially parents are the culprits in the tragedy of a life of most of the students due

How Twitter screwed up and lost $100,000 bitcoins of it's users?

     People are very excited to receive free money without effort, they even turn to be Gold diggers  up to  some extend.  But here what happens was that the bitcoin investors who was not only have enough knowledge about bitcoin but also invested in it had done foolish things while seeing something attractive like "Too good to be true". Greedy enough to loss their savings for the smarter enough to make fun and money at the same time(Hackers).      What was happened few days back in twitter was, Some hacker know as "Krik" who had how ever got the access to the Twitter Admin(Host) Login panel address and obviously found a backdoor in the control panel and got chance to update Confirmation mail of the Twitter users. Obviously they utilized this opportunity not to attack the Twitter but to fool the Easy money hunters and made some money out of it.     What actually happen was the Twitter account of the high profile users like Bill gates(Microsoft Founder), Jeff Bezoz(Am

If you know this, then you are good enough to raise your kid.

 58/100 marks in Maths in 12th Board Exam and I had become a Programmer before my graduation....      Being a lazy child I always faced bullying and lack of freedom to play during my child hood. I stopped outdoor games in 7th standard only because I wanted to prove to my parents that I was something which I'm not really was and I had believed I was.... Maths was my favourite subject in school which I got the least marks in my final exams. It was not because my teachers are bad or I'm lazy in it. It was only because I was in a tremendous pressure of being bullied by the society which pretended to use education geniuses to predict my values. Yes, it was people like you forcing the students to fail. After getting into  college I realized  reality which is the society doesn't matter to me anymore. All which matter is what I'm doing with what I have. Since my love towards Technology was honest I'm blessed by Almighty to secure merit seat in Engineering with 66% average i

How Technology Inspires The Youth Like Me?

It's all about freedom. From  1857 India Started from  Freedom to live and enjoy the life ✌ . But now it is trending on  financial freedom 💲 . Technology can provide both and can destroy both.  Recognition 😎 is the another factor which makes technology attractive.  Attractive enough to  obsessive . It gives easy game and easy fame. Both are 2 side of a same coin. Playing in media to attract others is the game and the result is either fame😍 or defame😌. More over I love the fact that is makes things easy to become lazy. Lazy is not at all a bad word anymore. I.m bad in essays doesn't mean I'm not good in thoughts,findings and study.

Building a career

It's not about completing a Degree course. It's just about building a profile. Profile doesn't mean a paper containing what we are and what we can do. But it is all about what we love to do and want to do. Basically it can start from any age we want, even from schooling. But most of us realize this fact either on final stage of graduation or after ending up in something we really don't wanted to do. It's mostly because of lack of passion. The passion arise or could identify only if we start exploring the reality. Exploring the reality mean to accept  what we have and what can we do next. Can a person have more than one passion? And the answer is: Yes ,he can and he should, Which is called amateur . Not all passion will workout as he expected.It doesn't mean it will not,it will when the right time comes. Hence he can work on the other passions to keep up the motivation to do work. Keeping the energy to work by self motivating is the good behavior of a good prof

What do you mean by Decipher?

Cipher Text:  It is a text created by changing a plain text(Human understandable text) using various rules or protocols or algorithms and form a non-understandable format. Eg: Rule : ABCD....Z may replaced with 1234.... 26. Then Plain Text : G o o g l e Become Cihper Text:  7 14 14 19  5. Simply looking into a series of number 71414195 we cannot predict it represent Google. We have to play according to the rule to crack it. Decipher It is a process of converting my Cipher Text to plain text(Human understandable text). Read more   When you ask, why I'm using this term in my Blog Name? Ans: Being a lazy person I love to make everything simple and to do it in my way. It may not work every time, but most of the time it may.