
Showing posts from June, 2021

Mom: "Never ever hurt a girl!! 😠"

In my adolescents, I used to play with my sister and she is 4 years younger than me. She always enjoyed making fun of me to provoke me and get attention. I always chase her to hit and take revenge. Most of the time she managed to get away, but once I chase her down and hurt her badly out of my anger. She complained to our mom and punished me. I tried to convince my mom that it's her(my sister) who started. But she replied, "Never ever hurt a girl!!". I didn't understand that those times and felt sad, but later when time passes, I grew up and heard news like women get abused by their husband I realize the fact that my mother doesn't want her son to be a woman abuser. From then till now I never hurt. Now I'm thanking God to have such a  loving mother with a bright vision about her children not only as a Son but also as a human being. If you can see any good in me that's only because of my parents. It is a fact that parents can make their children great human

Does Skills matter more than degree?

Elon Musk once said "Skills Matter More Than Degree". I believe that it depends on what perspective the person is looking at. Let me tell in perspective of an Employer like Elon Musk. He wants his things to get done and his companies to be run successfully. In his perspective, he needed skilled manpower to run his business and there is nothing to worry about what degree they possess or whether they possess a degree. Since Elon Musk had already proven his mission and vision, even a small kid would be amazed by his abilities and achievement.Which shows that even if he has no academic background which connects with his success, everyone would respect him. Everyone who applies at his organizations will be ambitious to work under such an employer. Consider an average employee who completed a degree in engineering and not experienced enough to get into Tesla. He will be proud of his graduation achievements up to some extend since he worked more than 2 years for the same. Besides th

Answering some interesting Interview Questlines that have no perfect answer.

  An order hasn’t been delivered to a customer on time, and they’re furious. They want you to cancel the order and close their account immediately. How would you repair the damage and keep the customer? Let me suppose I’m a Delivery boy of KFC and this situation arises. I would probably try to give that delivery for free. So that I can give a surprise feeling to the customer and make their day happy. But in this, I have to pay from my pocket for the customer. To avoid paying the full sum of their order instead of giving the order for free I can add some additional products like Cool drinks that they never ordered as a compliment that can go up with their ordered items which can give them a pleasant mood to forgive my mistake so they backtrack from canceling the decision.   How would you handle a situation where you and your teammates disagree on how to move forward on a project? I would probably collect enough information with conclusive evidence to pursue or to give a good understandi